All Customers Please Read Below

Making the dental impression using the mould kit is the most important step in the process for making a custom grill. It is very important to make an accurate impression because all the other steps that follow will be based on it. The dental impression is used to create an exact replica of your teeth and oral tissues, over which your dental jewellery will be cast.

Once you have placed an order for your custom caps, please wait for your home Impression Kit to arrive which will come with an order form to choose your tooth/teeth.


Before starting the process, be sure to remove all mouth, tongue and lip piercings. Before starting, please read all of the instructions below so that you can complete each step swiftly. This is important to ensure the putty doesn’t harden too much before taking your impression.

Step 1: 30 seconds

Be seated and have a flat surface to work on. This step needs to be completed quickly so that the putty does not go hard. Take one base (white) and one catalyst putty (coloured) and mix together for 30 seconds or until it is one consistent colour. 

Step 2: 

Roll the putty into a log shape that will fit evenly in the blue impression tray. Place the putty into the tray. For reference, please watch the video guide. 

Step 3:

Place the tray inside your mouth with your lips positioned over the mould so that your gum line impression is clearly visible once set.

For top moulds, apply even pressure upwards using your fingers. For bottom moulds, apply even pressure downwards. Make sure that you apply pressure until your teeth touch the tray – this is very important as if the whole tooth is not visible the caps will not fit properly.

Try not to move or speak whilst taking your impression. 

Step 4: 5 Minutes

Wait 5 minutes before removing the tray from your mouth. Gently remove the tray by slowly pulling it vertically away from your teeth. Do not remove the putty from the tray at any point.

Step 5: Quality Check

Send us a clear photo of your impression via Instagram @homerthejeweller or email along with your order number. We will get back to you to confirm whether the mould is ready to be sent off. 

Do not open the additional base and catalyst putty unless we believe that your first impression is not usable. Only use the additional putty if we have said your first mould is not approved. If your first attempt is approved please return the unused putty as well.

If both attempts are unsuccessful you will be liable to order a new mould kit from our website.

Step 6: Return Your Impression 

Place the tray with your impression into a plastic bag along with your order form, and post it back with tracked shipping to the following address:

ATHENS, 10564
(+30) 6949344777

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