Manual for Making a Finger Mold Using the Impression Kit

Creating a fingernail mold using the impression kit is the most important step in the process for crafting your custom nail accessory. It is essential to make an accurate mold because every subsequent step will rely on it. The mold will be used to create an exact replica of your fingernail, which will be the foundation for your custom accessory.

Once you have placed an order for your custom nail accessory, please wait for your home Impression Kit to arrive. The kit will include an order form to specify the fingernail(s) you wish to customize.


Before starting the process:

  • Remove any nail polish, rings, or hand accessories.
  • Read all the instructions carefully to ensure you complete each step swiftly and correctly.
  • It is crucial to work quickly, as the putty hardens rapidly once mixed.

Step 1: Prepare the Putty (30 Seconds)

  1. Sit down and use a flat surface to work on.
  2. Take one base putty (white) and one catalyst putty (colored).
    • Important: This is enough to make molds for two fingers. If you plan to mold two fingers, split the mixed putty in half before applying it.
  3. Mix the putties together for 30 seconds or until the putty becomes one consistent color.
    • Work quickly to ensure the putty doesn’t harden before molding.

Step 2: Shape and Apply the Putty

  1. Roll the mixed putty into a log shape.
  2. Wrap the putty around your fingernail like a sleeve, ensuring it covers the entire nail surface, including the edges and cuticle area.
  3. Press gently to make sure the putty conforms to the shape of your nail.

Step 3: Allow to Set (5 Minutes)

  1. Hold your finger steady and avoid moving during this step.
  2. Wait for 5 minutes to let the putty harden completely.

Step 4: Remove and Label the Mold

  1. Gently slide the hardened putty off your finger.
    • Take care not to distort the shape of the mold as you remove it.
  2. Using a marker, label the mold with the corresponding finger. For example:
    • R1 for the right-hand thumbnail.
    • L2 for the left-hand index finger.

Step 5: Quality Check

  1. Take a clear photo of your fingernail mold and send it to us via Instagram (@homerthejeweller) or email ( along with your order number.
  2. Wait for confirmation from us regarding the quality of your mold.
    • If approved, you will receive instructions on how to send the mold back to us.

Step 6: Return Your Impression 

Place the tray with your impression into a plastic bag along with your order form, and post it back with tracked shipping to the following address:

ATHENS, 10564
(+30) 6949344777

Important Notes

  • Only use the additional base and catalyst putty if we notify you that your first attempt is not approved.
  • If your first mold is approved, please return the unused putty along with the approved mold.
  • If both attempts are unsuccessful, you will need to order a new mold kit from our website.

By carefully following these steps, you can create an accurate mold for your custom nail accessory!

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